Keeping valuables safe is a pressing issue for most families and businesses. Families have documents, jewelry, and heirlooms that are often irreplaceable. Keeping those valuables secure in an electronic safe, like a Sentry Safes, can bring peace of mind. Researching electronic safes and finding an electronic safe that matches your needs often offers reassurance to a small business owner as well.

An Electronic safe is essentially a metal box designed to be a stronghold against unwanted tampering. An electronic safe is often designed to withstand natural disasters, such as fire or flood. Safes can have different types of locking mechanisms, but electronic safes have locking mechanisms that use electric current to work. The most common form of this type of electronic lock is a keypad. Electronic safes with keypads are now fairly commonly used in hotel security. Hotel rooms often have electronic safes in the closets or cabinets. You can program these electronic locks by resetting the numbers on the keypad. These electronic safes usually use four to six digit codes that can be easily reset by the next guest. The ease of resetting an electronic safe is one of its assets.
Underwriters Laboratories (UL) rates electronic safes on their fireproof abilities. An electronic safe should have a rating of at least UL Class 125 1 Hour. This means that the interior temperature of the safe must not be raised above 125 degrees Fahrenheit for thirty minutes when exposed to fire and extremely high temperatures. The electronic safe must maintain an interior humidity of 80% to receive this rating. Electronic safes must also be explosion and impact tested. You’ll want an electronic safe with this rating to ensure that the electronic safe can withstand exposure to fire and that if it is stolen, the electronic safe will be very difficult to break into.
Some electronic safes offer the option of being able to be bolted to the floor. Bolting an electronic safe to the floor inhibits the ability of the electronic safe to be stolen. If this option is important to you, look for an electronic safe that has the ability to be bolted to the floor. Choose the proper size of electronic safe that meets your needs. Many electronic safes offer interior shelves that can be positioned at many different levels. Some electronic safes offer interior compartments designed to meet your storage needs. Depository electronic safes offer the ability for money or other items to be “dropped” into the safe. These electronic safes are a good investment for a business involving a great deal of cash. Often, the employees of the store do not know the code for the electronic safe and while they are able to put money in, they cannot take anything out of the electronic safe.
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